A few months ago our family moved from our longtime home at the Ecology Retreat Centre in Hockley Valley, right into downtown Guelph. What an immense shift this has been! With each great change in life comes some loss and some gain. I have been fortunate enough to gain friends and community in this shift, and felt supported enough to feel ready to start teaching classes here in my new home town.
Last night I hosted my first class at my new house of Rhythm, Guelph Black Heritage Society. A wonderful stone church constructed by Underground Railroad freedom riders, in the late 1800's (1875). I feel blessed and very warm about this new chapter in my life of creation. Many thanks to my partner Melissa for inspiration, and the odd foot in the butt! And Big John here in Guelph, for a quick chat at Hillside, that very well may have a
tremendous impact on my life and our community.
Last night I hosted my first class at my new house of Rhythm, Guelph Black Heritage Society. A wonderful stone church constructed by Underground Railroad freedom riders, in the late 1800's (1875). I feel blessed and very warm about this new chapter in my life of creation. Many thanks to my partner Melissa for inspiration, and the odd foot in the butt! And Big John here in Guelph, for a quick chat at Hillside, that very well may have a
tremendous impact on my life and our community.

So we had to wait for the key, I didn't quite have all my beans in the basket (I do now). But we got in, and the rhythms began. Not before a little Bolonfo therapy..

We were learning Sofa, everyone (for the most part) was able to learn each part on each of the bass drums (Dunduns) it was very easy, with some folks learning the parts tapping on the side of Jembe for the bell. And playing the bass note
for the part being co-operatively shared. I was not giving Cathy and Melissa the kind of lava it looks like, we had fungoodtimes! Really... (500 ml of sweat later...)
for the part being co-operatively shared. I was not giving Cathy and Melissa the kind of lava it looks like, we had fungoodtimes! Really... (500 ml of sweat later...)

As well we shared the accompaniment rhythms on Jembe. I was blessed to be joined by
a number of folks who haven't taken my class before. A truly blessed moment occured when the onlookers (we had some locals pop their heads in to listen and
jive, gravity and the blessed spirit of community did the rest) were convinced to join us and try some simple bass jembe accompaniment parts, aided greatly... by KathLEEN! who kept him rolling with it. At
the end we learned a small rhythmic passage to integrate between the song and the rhythm, culminating in a complete peice of music. To finish, pulled out the Bolon, and revealed the more ancient form of Sofa, which was originally played in Bolon, by Warrior Griot (Song/history keepers, story tellers and moderators of social functions by tradition) to share the histories of the nobility they had protected and fought on behalf of, and relay the histories of past triumphs.
Keep the spirit alive my friends. Respect tradition always. Give thanks and
praises everyday for everyone, and everything that has and will continue to
bless us all furthermore. In the name of Rhythm...Blessed be,
a number of folks who haven't taken my class before. A truly blessed moment occured when the onlookers (we had some locals pop their heads in to listen and
jive, gravity and the blessed spirit of community did the rest) were convinced to join us and try some simple bass jembe accompaniment parts, aided greatly... by KathLEEN! who kept him rolling with it. At
the end we learned a small rhythmic passage to integrate between the song and the rhythm, culminating in a complete peice of music. To finish, pulled out the Bolon, and revealed the more ancient form of Sofa, which was originally played in Bolon, by Warrior Griot (Song/history keepers, story tellers and moderators of social functions by tradition) to share the histories of the nobility they had protected and fought on behalf of, and relay the histories of past triumphs.
Keep the spirit alive my friends. Respect tradition always. Give thanks and
praises everyday for everyone, and everything that has and will continue to
bless us all furthermore. In the name of Rhythm...Blessed be,